NSW Commercial Landlord Hardship Grant: Application close 31 May 2022
The NSW Government has announced that the commercial landlord hardship grant has been extended. Grants of up to $3,000 per month inclusive of GST, per property are available for eligible landlords who have provided rental waivers to affected tenants.
If you are a small commercial or retail landlord, you may be eligible for a grant under the commercial landlord hardship fund, if your main source of income is impacted due to providing rent relief to tenants financially impacted by COVID-19 restrictions.
If you own multiple properties, you will need to submit an application for each eligible property. Service NSW will review your application and contact you if additional information is required to support your application. Processing may take up to 20 business days.
To find the complete guidelines and dates included, please see https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/commercial-landlord-hardship-fund-guidelines
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